No Means Next Opportunity

Jessica Bablis

Jessica Bablis

Jessica Bablis is an avid writer who writes about self-belief and empowerment. Her inspiration is ordinary everyday people and their stories.

When I started working my biggest fear was “No”. Not only no in the sense of being told no but all the negative connotations that the word implies – rejection, insufficiency, not good enough, not smart enough and everything else you can imagine.


Now 4 years into the job I’ve decided not to take no for an answer, in fact I’ve found that life’s interesting when you never take no for an answer.

Sometimes Opportunity won't come knocking at your door

No Means Next Opportunity

So let me clear the doubt in your mind – by not taking no for an answer, I don’t mean you become some spoiled, pompous person who can’t accept things not going your way.


This is what I believe – sometimes opportunity won’t come knocking at your door. You got to get out of your seat, pack your bags for an extended trip and get out the house you call your comfort zone and go looking for that opportunity.


The worst thing to do is to do nothing at all.

Ecclesiastes 11:4

A few weeks ago, I happened upon this verse – Ecclesiastes 11:4 “Those who wait for perfect weather will never plant seeds; those who look at every cloud will never harvest crops.” How true I thought to myself, what better time to sow a seed than right now? The writer goes on to say that as humans we really don’t know what is happening within the inner workings of nature or where our paths will take us, or what the good Lord is planning. So he says “plant early in the morning, and work until evening, because you don’t know if this or that will succeed. They might both do well”(v6).

No Means Next Opportunity
Ecclesiastes 11:4

Take Risks! Try new things

Take risks! Try new things, make an investment, make a decision, move forward. You may get a yes, things will work out and that’s great! However, when you get a ‘No’ it’s not a brick wall or a failure.


I’d go even as far as to say it’s not even a bad thing! Rather see “NO” as a sign for “Next Opportunity. No Means Next Opportunity.


When you get a no, don’t give up or doubt yourself but look further, think deeper, smile and continue moving forward

Articles by Jessica Bablis